Thursday, December 6, 2007

What On Earth Was That?

By Maria Moratto Have you ever been minding your own business when suddenly, out of nowhere someone contacts you and unexpectedly burst into a fit, demanding that you do something you have no idea what is and then, because you can't give them this one thing, this person starts calling you names? The whole thing is so surrealist and seems so arbitrary that you don't even know how to react and when the earthquake is over--because this is what you feel is happening-- and you can breathe again, you ask yourself: What on earth was that? Here is an example: you are having a great time during the weekend, enjoying your friends who came over to visit, sharing good food, good wine, and good conversation, listening to great music, relaxing and feeling fantastic, so well deserving of this great time you are having. Or perhaps you are happily watching a movie or a football game on TV or reading a good book, or writing a letter to a loved one. Or, perhaps you are playing with your children; perhaps you playing your saxophone, perhaps you are taking an aromatic bath; perhaps you are cuddling with your lover; perhaps you are doing business, perhaps... and the phone rings. You let the machine pick it up but then decide to answer the call anyway. On the other line there is a person whom, out of the blue, starts blaming you for not corresponding to some expectations they had from you and you, taken aback start to justify your actions and apologize as if you were in a court martial or something and needed to prove your innocence. Then, feeling that you must appease this person you ask for a resolution and they, instead, start to offend you and call you names. Now you are thinking that you should not take the abuse and politely end the call (or perhaps not so politely). You then become aware that a nasty rain just befell upon you and think: Gosh, what was this all about? You become angry and your heart beats faster and your thoughts race, and your feelings are all over the place. You know you lost your cool and that relaxed time you were having before the call is gone. You think: what have I done? You try to understand what on earth just happened but you find no rhyme or reason. And then, because you subscribe to the Law of Attraction, you think: what was I thinking to attract this to my life today? You feel miserable and try to look into yourself to determine what caused such strange behavior. You cant fathom how you indeed have attracted this nonsense into your life. You are mad and no matter how much you know it is up to you to forgive, you dont want to. You feel abused, and justly so. So what do you do to get out of that angry, unforgiving mode? Here are some ideas for you: 1. Realize that you cannot please everyone all the time. You will always find someone who, not based on real facts, complains about you no matter what you do. 2. Realize that there are things you can give and others you cant. If another person demands what you cannot do, just let go; move along. 3. Understand that you need to trust that everything is just what it is supposed to be. There is perfection in the universe. What is not and those who are not, perfect, will leave you, sooner or later. Have faith. 4. Know that some people are really unreasonably bitchy and this has nothing to do with you; some are also very mean. It is their nature. Let them go as there is nothing you can do about it and you certainly dont want them in your life. 5. When you are by yourself, take a deep breath and exclaim: The hell with you! And then bless this person as they cant help but be a nuisance. That will make you feel so much better that you can go back to what you were doing before the earthquake and enjoy the rest of your day. And do as Scarlet OHara: "I will think about this tomorrow!" And when tomorrow comes, you say it again. There! Problem solved! Want to have more love, abundance, health, time, fun, and prosperity? Visit Prescription For Bliss at, sign up for the newsletter and receive a fr*ee ebook called "Happy People Are More Abundant!" Dr. Maria Moratto is the author of "Want to Save Your Relationship? Know Your Man!" among other books. Dr. Maria is available for Radio and Television Talk Shows, media interviews, and as a Guest Speaker at your events.
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Wednesday, December 5, 2007

The Importance Of Cell Phones In Modern Society

By []Keith Kingston Cell phones have become a necessity for many people throughout the world. The ability to keep in touch with family, business associates, and access to email are only a few of the reasons for the increasing importance of cell phones. Today's technically advanced cell phones are capable of not only receiving and placing phone calls, but storing data, taking pictures, and can even be used as walkie talkies, to name just a few of the available options. When cell phones were first introduced to the public, they were bulky, expensive, and some even required a base unit that had to be transported along with the phone. Good reception was a major problem and in general, early cell phones could only be used in certain locations were the signal was particularly strong. As cell phone technology advanced, the difficult in using them became less of a problem. Today, cell phone reception has improved greatly due to the use of satellites and wireless services. As cell phones improved and became simple to use, the importance of cell phones increased accordingly. Cell phones are the perfect way to stay connected with others and provide the user with a sense of security. In the event of emergency, having a cell phone can allow help to reach you quickly and could possibly save lives. However, the importance of cell phones goes way beyond personal safety. Modern cell phones are capable of internet access, sending and receiving photos and files, and some cell phones are equipped with GPS technology, allowing for use in most locations around the world and allowing the cell phone to be found or the user located in the event of loss or emergency. Cell phone reception has become reliable and of high quality due to advances in wireless technology. Wireless service providers offer excellent packages and promotions for cell phone users. Finding a dependable service provider is no longer an issue for cell phone users. The expansion of the wireless service provider industry gives cell phone users a choice and the increased competition has caused a drop in prices of wireless cell phone service. The importance of cell phones goes way beyond the ability to make or receive phone calls. Cell phone users can instantly send data to the home or office, check for important email, use their cell phone as a PDA or calendar, and store photos which can be easily transferred to a PC or laptop computer. Cell phone manufacturers have produced a wide range of cell phones, which sell for prices that range from very inexpensive to over one thousand dollars. The available options give users the choice of purchasing a basic cell phone to use simply for making calls, or choosing a complex, technologically advanced cell phone that can perform as many or even more tasks that a home computer. Over the past decade, the increasing importance of cell phones has made them almost a necessity for most people. Even remote and underdeveloped countries have some access to cell phone technology and wireless services. The importance of cell phones has increased the competition in the wireless service provider industry, making cell phones very affordable and very easy to use. Cell phones have become almost a status symbol in addition to the convenience and security that comes from owning them. Keith Kingston is a professional web publisher, offering information on []cheap cell phones and []Motorola cell phones Article Source: no prescription next day delivery tramadol
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