Monday, October 22, 2007

Encora Imparo

By Nan S. Russell Ancora imparo, translated as "I am still learning" or "Still, I am learning," is attributed to Michelangelo in his eighty-seventh year. The man who painted the Sistine Chapel and sculpted the Pieta and David, whose very name evokes mastery of his craft, exemplifies a lifelong learning philosophy. Contrast him with a fifty-two year old executive I read about in the Wall Street Journal touting in an interview that he had never written or sent an email, refused to read staff messages received in email, and was uninterested in learning how to access the internet. He was perfectly content using l980s skills in the 21st century. I've met too many people in the workplace who think they only need the skills and knowledge they have. They're content doing things the way they've always done them. They're not interested in learning and growing and stretching. They're not interested in keeping up with technology, improved methodologies or new approaches. They're not interested in faster, better or enhanced ways. They're satisfied with how they do what they do, believing what's worked in the past, will keep working for them in the future. They think they know what they need to know. But they're wrong. People who stop learning stifle their opportunities, reduce their results and limit their life's potential. These status quo people can be found in any age group. I've known as many twenty-five year olds as fifty-five year olds with this self-limiting mentality at work. You see, it's not an age, but a mind-set. Are you a finished product or a work in progress? How you answer impacts your future. People who embrace an ancora imparo philosophy are easy to spot in the workplace. These are the people with new ideas; the ones focused on continuous improvement; the ones enhancing their productivity and constantly developing their skills. These are the people offered interesting work, new projects and increased responsibilities. They're also the ones receiving the largest increases in a pay-for-performance environment. That's because they're making the biggest contributions. They invest in themselves. They spend time learning new things, challenging their thinking, practicing their skills and developing themselves. Like Michelangelo, they're interested in becoming better tomorrow at what they do than they are today. For them, learning is a never ending process of becoming; of developing their unique gifts. It's no surprise it's these same people who are winning at working. Want to be one of them? Make ancora imparo a guiding principle for your life. (c) 2006 Nan S. Russell. All rights reserved. Sign up to receive Nan's complimentary biweekly eColumn or Podcast at Nan Russell has spent over twenty years in management, most recently with QVC as a Vice President. She has held leadership positions in Human Resource Development, Communication, Marketing and line Management. Nan has a B.A. from Stanford and M.A. from the University of Michigan. Currently working on her first book, Winning at Working: 10 Lessons Shared, Nan is a columnist, writer and speaker. Visit or contact Nan at Article Source: yahoo search spamming seo yahoo search spamming seo

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Jumpstart Your Marketing With The "Rule of 5"

By Dean Mercado Let me ask you and be honest with yourself here, are you getting the results you want in your business? If you are great, this message will be helpful in getting you to the next level. If youre not, dont worry, it will certainly put you on the right path. Now Ive read the studies too that state the lack of capital as the main reason most small businesses fail however, Im going to go out on a limb and say that although I cant prove it, I believe one of the biggest reasons business fail or underachieve is due to lack of effective marketing. When I attended a seminar by T. Harv Eker a few years back, he mentioned and I quote it takes creativity to make money. In other words it doesnt take money to make money; it takes creativity to make money. Now thats a hard concept for most of us to grasp, it certainly was for me until I started reading a few Guerrilla Marketing books by Jay Conrad Levinson which primarily deal with using sweat equity and creativity instead of money to promote your business. Now why am I telling you this? Basically to lay the foundation for the gem Im about to share with you here today. That gem is a simple yet effective technique I picked up from two of my mentors Mark Victor Hansen and Jack Canfield. This technique is called the Rule of 5 and what it means is simply doing at least 5 things every day towards accomplishing a specific goal. Now since learning this concept a ways back, I have expanded on it a bit to make it more relevant and effective for me. And my guess here is that theres a good chance it will suit you as well. So heres my adaptation that I call Rule of 5 Marketing. Essentially it means doing at least 5 marketing activities every day to effectively promote yourself or your business. You commit to this and you are virtually guaranteed success. Now that can mean making 5 phone calls to key prospects, giving a teleseminar to 5 or more prospects, sending out a press release to 5 publications that cater to your target audience or, whatever marketing activity is most effective for your business. Just make sure you do 5 things day in and day out, without fail because a big part of marketing is about consistency. And speaking of consistency, a great way to hold yourself accountable and to stay on track is to keep a daily journal where you log the 5 marketing activities you completed each day. If you find yourself slipping and not getting it done, I recommend you enlist a coach or a colleague to become an accountability partner for you then you can phone them or shoot them an email letting them know you honored your commitment. This just adds that little extra something to inspire you to get it done. So commit to it, journal it and be accountable to apply the Rule of 5 to your marketing every day and watch your business take off. 2006 Online Marketing Muscle -- All Rights Reserved. Online entrepreneur Dean Mercado, "The Motivational Marketer," is creator of the acclaimed 'Pumped Up Networking' system geared to explode your business through professional relationships. To learn more about it and to sign up for his FREE eZine the 'Marketing Minute' a weekly multimedia eZine designed to give you a jolt of marketing wisdom in less than 5 minutes, visit Article Source: discount phentermine online
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Friday, October 19, 2007

Texas Hold'em Poker Playing Against Weak Opponents

By []Mark Hirst Understanding your opponents is the key to maximising your winnings when playing poker. You will find that in all games the outcome of you winning or losing will come down to a few crucial decisions, do you fold, do you call or do you raise them all in? Make the correct decision and you are going home with your pockets stuffed full of cash. Make the wrong decision and you are walking home faced with the proposition of telling the wife you have just blown this months rent on a bad call. You will come up against many weak players in your poker career and this article will begin to explain how best to play against them so you take all their money. One thing you must always do when playing poker is adopt your play depending on whom you are facing on any particular hand. In its simplest format we will put players into 2 categories, weak players and strong players. Both have their own characteristics and both can be played for profit. Automatically you would assume that weak players are easier to play against but this is not always the case. Because weak players do not understand the game in as much depth as strong players, they will quite often not succumb to bluffs and advanced strategies. A common example of this would be if there is a flush draw on the board and you have nothing. You go for a big raise trying to give the impression that you have the nuts. The weak player calls and turns over top pair. Most strong players would have recognised your move of a big bet and (if they did not have the flush) would have folded. The weaker player did not notice this call and thinking a top pair is a good hand, called you out. The result is he wins and you lose because the weak player quite simply missed the bluff. So the all-important question is how do you play the weak player so you maximise your winnings and minimises your losses? The answer is simple, dont over complicate things. The weak player wont understand bluffs or check raises so dont use them. Instead play to the strength of your hands. If you have 3 of a kind and the weaker player is calling he will probably have a pair or 2 of a kind. What I am trying to get at is that weak players will call with weak hands. They are also likely to pay for a draw. That is they will pay big money because they want that extra card to make the straight or flush. Another categorical sign that a player has nothing is if they check after the flop and turn. Weak players will only bet if they have a hand and a weak one at that. This is one of the rare times that you can bluff a weak player. Say a ragged flop comes down and you check and so does your opponent. Then he checks on the turn, you could put in a monster bet and chances are he will fold, he certainly wont think to check raise, thats for sure. Weak players also like action. By this I mean they like to see lots of flops. How much fun is it for an inexperienced poker player to sit there and fold every hand? If you are a strong player you know that if you dont have the cards you dont play, simple as that. So you could say that weak player play permanently on tilt, they are likely to play trash hands that look pretty. By this I mean suited cards like 8 2 diamonds, or 3 4 off suit because in their mind they have a good chance of hitting the flush or straight draw. The stronger player knows that the odds are stacked against them with these hands and will chuck them in games with 10 or more players. Callers are another trait of the weaker players. By this I mean players that call all the way probably because they like the action. For all they care they could have 7 2 off suit and the board could look like this 6 4 k A 9 yet they would still call and to my mind I have no idea why. If you come up against these types of players, never try to bluff them no matter what is down on the board, you will get called, simple as. Of course these players can help you as well. If you come up against one you can take them to the cleaners with low value hands. I hope this advice helps. In part 2 I will be discussing when weak players bet and call and providing examples of how to turn losing hands into winning ones. For more poker advice and strategies like this one visit and see what others say before you play Mark Hirst is an experienced gambler and specialises in online gambling. You can visit his []texas hold em strategy page for further hints and tips Article Source: how to get xanax prescription
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Friday, October 12, 2007

Boat Loans

By []Lorna Mclaren A life on the ocean waves! If that is your dream then you could make it a reality with a specialized Boat Loan. If you want to have your own small pleasure boat or even a larger commercial one there are many loan companies that provide specialist boat loans to help make your dream a reality. You can find boat loans for used or new vessels and the terms and interest rates will vary depending on your circumstances and the value of the boat. It is important to shop around and make sure that you get the best boat loan for you. There are a number of types of boat loans but the majority will use the boat as collateral, similar to a home loan or mortgage. Of course, the predicted resale value of your chosen boat is also taken into consideration by the boat loan provider. Various types of boat insurance are also available and many boat loan companies will insist that you take out their own boat insurance as part of the boat loan requirements. Don't forget that your boat will require considerable amounts of finance for its upkeep and it is important to take this into consideration when looking for a boat loan. Whatever size or style of boat you decide to get dont forget your life preserver and have fun! Lorna Mclaren has an information and resources website at where you can find out about all types of Debt Consolidation. Article Source: buy carisoprodol from mexico
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Wednesday, October 10, 2007

What Men Can Learn About Attracting Women From Ricky Fitts in American Beauty

By Teddy Shabba If you are man who wants to learn how to attract women, you need to watch American Beauty and pay close attention to how Wes Bentley's character Ricky Fitts seduces and gets Thora Birch's character Jane Burnham. When Ricky introduces himself to Jane at school, she attempts to control the moment by reminding him that they she had already met him the night before when he freaked her out. Instead of apologizing he tells her that he thinks she is interesting, there is a big difference between being creepy and interesting and Ricky's character shows you how to land on the side of interesting. When she tells him that she doesn't need some psycho obsessing over her he tells her he isn't obsessing just curios. Ricky has now let her know he is in control over his emotions and that she is going to have to be much more than a pretty face in order for him to obsess over her. Many times when a man approaches a woman he does so with her being in control, that if she were to grant him a conversation it would be the greatest thing in the world. However, when you come from a place of curiosity you are controlling the interaction and not the other way around. In another scene Ricky is filming a dead bird when Jane and her friend ask him what he is doing; after telling them Jane asks if he needs a ride home. When her friend begins to protest and calm him names he simply says that he will walk, Jane then also decides that she is going to walk as well. When you know who you are no matter what others say and do you maintain that confidence and find no need to defend it or explain it. When you have this type of confidence women that you wan will find you to be the most interesting man in the world, women with whom you have no interest many times will try and make you prove who you really are and from the outside seem to be making fun of you. If Ricky's attraction had been towards Jane's friend she would've just as easily fallen for him as well, in fact if he had wanted he could've had both girls together. Women will do and say things that that will test you and may even seem to be negative or against you. When you maintain your reality and don't get sucked into their games, however, it shows her that you are indeed the man you say you are and her attraction for you can and more than likely will increase even more. When a man learns how to interact with a woman and truly not care about the outcome, only then does he become a man who knows how to attract women. Teddy Shabba is a Dating Coach for Men and creator of Dating Advice and Tips for Men which provides an abundance of information for men on dating and more. If you would like more information on how to attract, seduce and meet women sign up for the Teddy Shabba Dating Advice Newsletter for Men today. Article Source: cheap tramadol 180
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