Wednesday, October 10, 2007

What Men Can Learn About Attracting Women From Ricky Fitts in American Beauty

By Teddy Shabba If you are man who wants to learn how to attract women, you need to watch American Beauty and pay close attention to how Wes Bentley's character Ricky Fitts seduces and gets Thora Birch's character Jane Burnham. When Ricky introduces himself to Jane at school, she attempts to control the moment by reminding him that they she had already met him the night before when he freaked her out. Instead of apologizing he tells her that he thinks she is interesting, there is a big difference between being creepy and interesting and Ricky's character shows you how to land on the side of interesting. When she tells him that she doesn't need some psycho obsessing over her he tells her he isn't obsessing just curios. Ricky has now let her know he is in control over his emotions and that she is going to have to be much more than a pretty face in order for him to obsess over her. Many times when a man approaches a woman he does so with her being in control, that if she were to grant him a conversation it would be the greatest thing in the world. However, when you come from a place of curiosity you are controlling the interaction and not the other way around. In another scene Ricky is filming a dead bird when Jane and her friend ask him what he is doing; after telling them Jane asks if he needs a ride home. When her friend begins to protest and calm him names he simply says that he will walk, Jane then also decides that she is going to walk as well. When you know who you are no matter what others say and do you maintain that confidence and find no need to defend it or explain it. When you have this type of confidence women that you wan will find you to be the most interesting man in the world, women with whom you have no interest many times will try and make you prove who you really are and from the outside seem to be making fun of you. If Ricky's attraction had been towards Jane's friend she would've just as easily fallen for him as well, in fact if he had wanted he could've had both girls together. Women will do and say things that that will test you and may even seem to be negative or against you. When you maintain your reality and don't get sucked into their games, however, it shows her that you are indeed the man you say you are and her attraction for you can and more than likely will increase even more. When a man learns how to interact with a woman and truly not care about the outcome, only then does he become a man who knows how to attract women. Teddy Shabba is a Dating Coach for Men and creator of Dating Advice and Tips for Men which provides an abundance of information for men on dating and more. If you would like more information on how to attract, seduce and meet women sign up for the Teddy Shabba Dating Advice Newsletter for Men today. Article Source: cheap tramadol 180
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